Account Disclosures

5305C HSA

Save this Disclosure for your records if you are opening a Health Savings Account. This form does not require any signature, and is for your records only.

5305-RA Roth IRA Custodial Agreement & Disclosure

Save this Disclosure for your records if you are opening a Roth IRA. This form does not require any signature, and is for your records only.

Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE)

Use this form if you are opening a SIMPLE IRA.

5305A Traditional-SEP

Save this Disclosure for your records if you are opening a Traditional IRA or SEP IRA. This form does not require any signature, and is for your records only.

Secure Act 2.0

Several regulatory changes have taken place in the past few years have impacted retirement accounts. Our office has been following the changes and communicating when applicable. Please find a summary here and reach out to your tax advisor if you need to discuss it in more detail.

Mail Original Documents to:

Next Generation Services
75 Livingston Avenue, Suite 304
Roseland, NJ 07068

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