COLA and Social Security
August 29, 2023
The cost-of-living adjustment for 2024 is projected to be around 3% Given the high rate of inflation that Americans contended with last year, the cost-of-living adjustment...
Where Will Your Retirement Dreams Take You? A Self-Directed IRA Can Help Get You There
October 20, 2022
If an affordable retirement lifestyle is at the top of your wish list, best to put Hawaii at the bottom, as a recent Bankrate report revealed it to be the most expensive...
Why Financial Advisors are Adding Alternative Assets to Clients’ Portfolios
August 11, 2022
In the last two decades, investors have dealt with periods of intense market volatility and this year, a high level of inflation is adding to investor woes. Although...
Achieving Financial Freedom Through Self-Direction & Alternative Assets
July 14, 2022
We don’t need to hammer home the concerns about inflation in the U.S. (actually, worldwide)—we are all seeing rising prices on products and services everywhere, and for...