The Best Retirement Plan May Be Wilder Than You Think

Published on July 5, 2012

Jaime J. Raskulinecz, CEO of Next Generation Trust Services

Susan Crandell, The Aging Diva and writer for Work Goes Strong, interviewed Jaime Raskulinecz, CEO of Next Generation Trust Services on May 7, 2012 for an article on self-directed IRAs and working with nontraditional assets.

“Self-directed IRAs have been around since the 1970s when the IRA was established. Back then, traditional custodians advertised stocks, bonds and mutual funds and it was mostly wealthy people who used non-traditional strategies, because they had private bankers to administer them,” writes Crandell. However, this is no longer the case. Self-directed IRAs aren’t just meant for the wealthy, anymore.

“Our clients range from young people just beginning to invest to people who are already retirement age who want to take distributions. The accounts range from a couple of hundred to millions of dollars,” Raskulinecz says in the article.

If you have yet to read the full article, check it out here!

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