Watch for our CEO, Jaime Raskulinecz, on the Radio!

Published on April 11, 2017

We are excited to announce that Jaime Raskulinecz, CEO of Next Generation Trust Services will appear as a featured guest on The Art of the CEO appearing on their weekly show “Wealth Management – Where’s Your Cash Going?” Bart Jackson, host, will be asking Jaime about the secrets to successfully self-directing your IRA. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to listen to an expert in this specialized field, and learn how you can take control of your retirement plan today. AND – Be the first get NGTS’s exciting new news!

Tune in on Tuesday, April 11th at 2:00pm E.T. to listen live, or download the show at your convenience by visiting:

What does it take to rise to your goal? To become CEO of Your Own Career – of Your Business? Host Bart Jackson, joined by the most fascinating and most helpful guests in business, bring you a lot of fun, humor, and vital counsel from proven masters. So pull up a chair – get informed, get entertained, and seize the wisdom. Visit us now at